Character -
Ang Woo
Previously, Chris has starred in films such as "The Gate Crasher" and the award winning "Cones". He is also an accomplished filmmaker himself and has written/directed the art/gangster film "Dress" and OrangeFarm's first music video "She Means Nothing".

Character - Cole McLaine
Andrew has also starred  in "Mr. Dickens" as the title character, as well as in "Beyond Space". Also a talented director, with films such as "Cones" and "Horsemen" under his belt.

Character - Dirk Jones
Previously appeared as "Party Goer turning off Stereo" in "The Gate Crasher" Steve takes a main role in this latest offering from Rajeev Mishra. He also wrote and directed "Planet of the Hillbillies", which featured in the Fringe Film Fest.

Character - Zombie Leader
Played the title character in "The Gate Crasher", Nick was the perfect choice for the brooding, evil Zombie leader. Also appeared in "Mr Dickens"; and in "Horsemen" as "War".

Character - Brain Eating Zombie
Previously appeared in "Horsemen", for which she received a best actress nomination at the AUSA 15 Min of Fame Competition.



- Sound Effects Creator -
Provided atmospheric "horror movie" sound effects. Also provided many of the props for the film and is an accomplished musical composer. Check out some of his stuff here.

- Musical Composer -
Ryan provided most of the music for "Outside" and has previously recorded music for "Dress".

- Editor (also cameos as "Zombie Hand") -
Utilizing Premier 6.0, Daniel edited Outside into a tight well paced film. Also has a cameo and helped create the Zombie voices used in the movie.

- Writer & Director (also cameos as "Guy getting brain eaten") -
Previous writer/director of "Mr. Dickens", "The Gate Crasher" and "Beyond Space". This is the first time Rajeev has ventured into the Horror/Zombie genre.

Cheers to all those who were involved:
The actors who worked terrible hours for no pay
Post production who did stuff while still on their courses
Parents (mine, Daniel's) who put up with their houses
becoming temporary sets, production units 
Also, full credit to Marystaple for the use of their song "Go to Sleep" - Rock on!
And everyone who didn't say "Quit making films, 
ya hack!" Thanks a lot. I mean it.
- Rajeev

"I just don't think it's a good idea to go outside"

©Copyright 2001 No.8 FILMS Ltd


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